Since I limit my stay in the USA to 35 days a year for tax benefits, I needed to leave the country for a week before returning for Thanksgiving. I had already spent more than three weeks stateside due to a week-long program at UC Berkeley, stopovers in Denver and Wyoming, and trips to Austin and New Orleans. It turned out to be an ideal opportunity to check a destination off of my queue, Playa Del Carmen. My friend Randy loves this place (he loves to party); however, other nomadic friends of mine are less enthusiastic about it, describing it as a typical vacation spot for Canadians and Americans, lacking a distinct identity beyond that, according to them. But I’m quite open-minded; I’ve learned not to pre-judge places I’ve never visited or carry specific expectations when I travel. Playa del Carmen is great! I could totally live here for a few months. There is a lot to do and explore, plenty of great food, accessible beaches, and friendly people. What’s not to love? I was only there for about a week, and during that time I was working constantly from my apartment. I only managed to escape to the beach […]
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