Halfway through a busy April 2022 which would see me in nine different cities, I was able to visit a place I hadn’t yet visited: Montréal, Canada. I had intended to visit Montréal ever since 2017 when my Québecoise friend Alexandra, who I met in Split, Croatia, put it on my radar as a place I should want to visit. There was a very European personality to Montréal and Quebec as a whole owing to its predominantly French influence. I was told that the food is especially good and the people personable and kind. So when I had about two weeks to kill before a wedding in New Jersey, Montréal seemed the right destination. The intent was to do some exploration and discovery if Montréal and Canada as a whole, could be a place I would want to spend more time living in during the coming years. As you may already know, I love destinations that are (to me) blank slates and where I am completely ignorant of what to expect. Standard life becomes interesting and novel without prior expectations. My regular habits upon landing in a new location, such as finding a gym, a restaurant to eat dinner at, […]
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