The first time I was in South Africa was five years ago when I spent six weeks in Cape Town. I really enjoyed my time there — South African culture is different and exciting compared to the American culture I grew up in. The history of apartheid, the continued economic segregation between rich and poor post-apartheid, and the geography, languages, food, and culture of intermingled people from different parts of Africa make it an excellent place for someone like me to learn new things and understand different perspectives. While I had been staying in Capetown I was surprised to hear locals tell me that they preferred Johannesburg to Capetown. If you have been following my travels you might know that this is how new destinations are enqueued – recommendations, referrals, and references from organic sources. So I stayed in Johannesburg for two weeks, picking two different neighborhoods to get different perspectives of the city. It would be a reconnaissance trip to see if Joburg had the potential to become a regular destination or at least a regular pass-through en route to others. The first neighborhood I stayed in was Maboneng. It is an artsy, edgy, industrial warehouse district with coffee […]
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