Sao Paulo, Brazil

Reid Peryam · May 20, 2023 · South America, Travel · 0 comments

Like some other destinations, Sao Paulo has become a regular destination during my yearly migration. Alongside Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo is an international hub for flights into the country from the rest of South America. It also accommodates this loop I’ve been toying with between Colombia, Chile, Argentina, and Brazil each year as the city is a 3 hour direct flight from Buenos Aires.

Twenty years ago I never would have predicted that I would come to find such large, monstrous cities like Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Seoul and Bogotá some of my favorite places to stay. I grew up in the Midwest and West of the United States and always had plenty of space around with lots of access to nature. Mega cities certainly have provided other amenities.

I suppose as a nomadic travel hipster, I’ve often been attracted to atypical appeal of destinations while being also insulated from many discomforts. I avoid traffic by walking or summoning a car service like Uber and I don’t have to commute to an office to do my job. I reduce my exposure to crime by staying in nicer neighborhoods and going to bed at a reasonable hour; I don’t go out to party by myself and generally avoid compromising situations. When you remove concerns for traffic and crime of large metropolitan places you excise most of the complaints that people have with them. What is left is a treasure of history, culture and opportunity for curious people like myself.

My friend Valquiria has been an ambassador to her city of Sao Paulo on my account and diligently worked to translate nuance, culture and that fabulous Brazilian identity in a way my stunted, “cold” American mind can ingest it. And that has been difficult work — for her. For me though, learning everything I can about Brazil has been very fun and interesting. The country is so diverse with so many different ethnic groups and distinct culture and histories. Sao Paulo has been a sort of gateway to all of them for me during the past several years.

This time around I visit Ilhabela, an island a few hours outside of Sao Paulo city (but still inside Sao Paulo “state”) with beautiful beaches that the people of Sao Paulo use as a sort of vacation destination for long weekends.

It’s interesting to think that many people’s view of Sao Paulo as a city might be of a dangerous, sprawling city where you can get robbed and murdered (to be clear it is). But not many of us might think of such nice beaches that are so accessible, near by.

Speaking about Sao Paulo and getting attacked, while I was in the city I was knifed by a man across the left temple of my forehead. But don’t worry, I am alright. The cut only required five stitches and the man who did it is a doctor. I actually paid him to cut my face. I’ve had a small bump under the skin there for about 5 years about the breadth of a thumbnail and about 5 millimeters deep. Other doctors told me it wasn’t something to be concerned about, it wasn’t harmful, and it never bothered me. It bothered other people though and I found that during initial introductions or some conversation the conversation would often turn to asking if I had asked a doctor check it out yet.

Anyway, I have a pretty cool scar above my left eye now and it could be that I might not be the only person that likes it.