Antigua, Guatemala

Reid Peryam · February 21, 2023 · South America, Travel · 0 comments

My sister and I came to Antigua in order to climb a couple of nearby volcanoes, Acatenango & Fuego. The weather for our excursion didn’t cooperate (unseasonably cold and windy) but we made the best of our time together in the city beforehand and afterward, and atop Acatenango waiting for the conditions to change.

The town of Antigua is small and more touristy than I had anticipated. Hotels, restaurants, and cafes catering to the tourists who visit are everywhere, and so are we visiting tourists. Nevertheless, the colonial, historic architecture and friendly locals made it a fun destination that was easily accessible from Guatemala City with only a 1.5-hour taxi ride. When I return to Guatemala, I’ll be excited to visit Lake Atitlan which I am told is beautiful.