I was unexpectedly alerted by my HOA that my bathroom was leaking water onto the adjacent, downstairs unit of my apartment building. Estimated costs on repair were high and it seemed like a very good probability of me getting fleeced were I not present to facilitate repairs. I returned back to Denver on short notice to remedy the situation and take care of other loose ends that had been unresolved in my hurried preparation to abandon home two months prior. I ended up not only repairing the bathroom but having it refinished — apparently improvements I make while it’s a rental property are tax deductible; in addition to learning that I’m also learning the pain of locating bathroom fixtures (what did people do before Google image search??). While I was back in the states I popped up to Wyoming and had some good Peryam Ranch times with the family and dog.
- America (Butcher Block Cafe in Denver)
- My dog Rodeo
- My 2011 Challenger
- Mr. Herring
- Rodeo at Baggott Rocks