In September I took my camera on a roller coaster ride at Oktoberfest and the results turned out better than I was expecting. I’m a sucker for lines and contrast and these colorful roller coaster tracks scratched an obsessive compulsive itch. It was a lot of fun to shoot rapidly at such a high shutter speed (4000!) – it only lasted about two minutes but the ride felt like a high speed safari. So perhaps adding this collection to the site is more of a way of remembering the experience than the photographs. You can view the gallery here.
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>After a handful of visits during the past twenty
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This story started the second week of March, 2020 in a
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>My Brazilian friend, Valquiria, was going to speak at
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I had never visited Dubai or the Middle East before I