I spent a few days in Guatemala’s capital city to get a sense of the local culture before I continued on to Antigua, after my sister, Tracy, arrived. Guatemala City left a comfortable impression on me, though other than the archaeological museum that I visited, and random wanderings around my neighborhood, I wasn’t able to get a real sense of the history or people. What I was able to perceive was genuine kindness from the locals. People greeted me with warm smiles, and eye contact and were happy to endure my Spanish as I asked questions and for recommendations. I also caught a glimpse of Maya culture which is still very prevalent today as Guatemala City itself sits atop multiple archaeological sites and burial grounds that the Mayans built. I spent three hours on a Sunday afternoon fascinated by the technologies that they developed — building materials, aqueducts, agriculture, roads, and even a fascinating number system.
Guatemala City, Guatemala
After fleeing the United States to Bogotá for a week after <a
Back in December my sister forwarded an airline promotion email between Denver
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I have heard it said that you either like Barcelona or
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I was so happy during the two weeks that I stayed in